
2008 Freightliner COLUMBIA


APU, Dyno report and Warranty!!!

Fridge, sliding fifthwheel and double bunk.Dyno Tested/Oil&filter changed/Dot passed.New Mattress/New Triangle&fire Ext.Money Saving 90day/25,000mile Engine, Transmission and Rear End limitedwarranty at no cost to you. Call for details.Also, ask about our Extended Warranty on thistruck as well as our new 24/7 Roadside Assistance Program!

Engine make: DET

Engine model: 14.0 L/455

Transmission type: FRO15210C

Transmission speeds: 10

Transmission make: FULLER

Stock#: 207018

Rear axle: 40000 /

Posted in: Heavy Duty Trucks
Make: Freightliner
Mileage: 586717
Model year: 2008
Location: French Camp, CA
Posted: 4 / 13 / 15
Views: 111

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