
1996 Freightliner Truck with Pup Trailer


1996 Freightliner FLD 120 Dump Truck, Cat 3406E 492,000 original miles, 10 speed, a/c c/c jake brakes, spring suspension, runs great, ready to work, new paint, new bumper, new floor in dump body, 15ft Haul Lane dump body, LED lights, pintle hitch and pup trailer hydraulics, almost new Yokohama 365 80R 22.5 tires and rims, new recap rear tires on aluminum rims are not shown in pictures. Also have pup trailer painted to match truck for $10,000 more, $32,000 OBO for truck only and $42,000 for truck and pup combination that can legally haul 24 tons.

Posted in: Heavy Duty Trucks
Type: Dump Truck
Make: Freightliner
Location: Houston, TX
Posted: 3 / 10 / 15
Views: 396

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