
2007 International 9400



WOW! Call Atlanta today on this clean International 9400!This truck is equipped with an ISX Cummins engine with a10 speed transmission, aluminum wheels on the steer axle,power windows and door locks! IT will also come with ananual DOT Inspection and a 90 day/25000 mile drive trainwarranty.

Engine make: CUMM

Engine model: ISX/435

Transmission type: FR-15210B

Transmission speeds: 10

Transmission make: FULLER

Stock#: 203572

Rear axle: 40000 / EATON

Posted in: Heavy Duty Trucks
Make: International
Mileage: 631259
Model year: 2007
Location: Conley, GA
Posted: 9 / 16 / 14
Views: 121

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