2015 International LONESTAR
I love writing notes on trucks like this... Lets start by acknowledging that the looks of the truck does nothing to put money in anyone's pocket. Lets finish by agreeing that when you combine the fact that this 450 horse Cummins paired with a 13 spd and miles in the low 3's does, now lets add in the freight train grill, the stacks rising behind the doors, the breathers, the chrome, the chicken lights, the APU, the aluminum wheels and did I mention the APU? Hottest package of trucks of the year and we got it. Mid roof design but that doesn't take away from the spacious, 73" sleeper. Truck is a must see and probably a must have.
Engine make: CUMM
Engine model: ISX/450
Transmission type: RTLO18913A
Transmission speeds: 13
Transmission make: FULLER
Stock#: 240881
Rear axle: 40000 / DANA
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