
2015 Freightliner CASCADIA EVOLUTION



Only a few left and they are going fast! I'm sure price helps but usually its hard to find what these trucks have already. Yup , Detroit powered and 10 spd are pretty common but the fuel saving by being operational with the key off is not. The fridge is a nice add on and couple the interior perks with the fuel savings from having skirts and the weight savings of aluminum wheels, you can probably understand the appeal. There is more to the story - call us!

Engine make: DET

Engine model: DD15/400

Transmission type: FR-15210B

Transmission speeds: 10

Transmission make: FULLER

Stock#: 239997

Rear axle: 40000 / MERITOR

Posted in: Heavy Duty Trucks
Type: Conventional - Sleeper Cab
Make: Freightliner
Mileage: 675161
Model year: 2015
Location: Strafford, MO
Posted: 8 / 5 / 20
Views: 9

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