2014 Volvo Vnl670
PRICED TO SELL! $$$ MAKER! ALL THIS TRUCK FOR JUST 39950!DOT ready, PM serviced & fully detailed!90 Day confidence plus warranty included as well.We carry ext warranties & 24/7 roadside assistance too!DPF/Aftertreatment coverage avail on extended warranties!IN-HOUSE, easy financing is avail w/ Transport Funding.We have many fincne companies & banks we work with.Everyone gets approved with the credit they deserve!Please call for all the info or stop in, ANYTIME!
Engine make: VOLVO
Engine model: VED13/455
Transmission type: FRO17210C
Transmission speeds: 10
Transmission make: FULLER
Stock#: 233040
Rear axle: 40000 /
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