2014 Volvo Vnl630
Sharp & Loaded up Volvo 630 with I-SHIFT Auto Trans!455 horsepower VED 13 engine by Volvo.12 speed fully automatic I-SHIFT transmission = BIG MPG'S!Sharp Viper red color - this truck screams curb appeal!Super clean inside & out & a great price to make you $$!90 Day Confidence+ Power-train warranty included.PM Serviced, D.O.T ready & Professionally Detailed too!Easy IN-HOUSE Financing is available!We have finance companies to get EVERYONE APPROVED!24/7 Roadside assitance is also available to you.We carry extended warranties with DPF/After-treatment too!Please call or stop by to start the best buying experienceEVER!
Engine make: VOLVO
Engine model: VED13/455
Transmission type: AT02612D
Transmission speeds: 12
Transmission make: VOLVO
Stock#: 232653
Rear axle: 38000 /
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