This sleek and aerodynamic heavy hauler has a Cummins ISX engine at 450HP, smooth shifting Eaton Fuller manual 10 speed trans, fog free power heated mirrors, a fridge to keep you food/drinks cold, stainless steel quarter fenders, easy clean rubberized floors, privacy curtains that reduce light and sound, trailer brake to reduce chances of jack-knife and for long down-hills, suspension load gauge, hands free phone connectivity with blue tooth, suspension drop to get under low trailers without having to wind-up landing gear, diff locks for snow and mud. Truck is reconditioned with fresh PM service and detailed, new mattress, Federal DOT inspection and ready to go. Come on in for a test drive today!
Engine make: CUMM
Engine model: ISX/450
Transmission type: FRO15210B
Transmission speeds: 10
Transmission make: FULLER
Stock#: 228470
Rear axle: 34000 / MERITOR
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