This white, 2014, double bunk Freightliner will be a greataddition to your fleet. Put a driver in it with a extendedwarranty, roadside assistance and let him earn his paycheck!This truck comes fully detailed, including degrease, framepaint, a fresh PM service, and a third party DOT inspection.A 90 day/25,000 mile warranty keeps your mind at ease, andan extended warranty that can include the turbo, injectors,transmission and rears is also available.Exclusive to our Arrow customers, roadside assistancefor just over $1.00 a day.
Engine make: DET
Engine model: DD15/450
Transmission type: FRO15210C
Transmission speeds: 10
Transmission make: FULLER
Stock#: 226386
Rear axle: 40000 / MERITOR
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