Mack known for reliability and ability to haul heavy loadsover rough terrain! Comes with an APU that lets one turn offthe main engine and still have A/C or Heat plus power forfridge, microwave, TV or any other appliance that you add on. It also means the that main engine has not been idled night after night assuring you of longer engine life! Backed bythe industry leading Arrow free 90day/25,000 mile limitedpower train warranty with fresh PM Servive and Federal DOTinspection. Hood mirrors to reduce blind spots, deck plate with steps and alum quarter fenders, all alum wheels, easy clean rubberized floor, Bendix Blind Spotter and accident mitigation system, heated power mirrors, refrigerator, diff locks and traction control, suspension drop:This one has it all!
Engine make: MACK
Engine model: MP8/445
Transmission type: FRO18210C
Transmission speeds: 10
Transmission make: FULLER
Stock#: 225846
Rear axle: 40000 / MERITOR
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