
2014 Freightliner CASCADEVO



Big spacious double bunk raised roof Cascadia Evolution witha SUPER STRONG 505HP engine and smooth shifting Eaton Fuller13- speed transmission! Hood mirrors to reduce blind spots,jump start posts, 10 alum wheels, no fog heated powermirrors, power windows, automatic traction control anddiff locks, trailer brake to fifth wheel lock and suspensionto get under low trailers without having to wind-up landingUSB/AUX port for I-phone or Android devices.

Engine make: DET

Engine model: DD15/455

Transmission type: RTLOC-16913A

Transmission speeds: 13

Transmission make: FULLER

Stock#: 225803

Rear axle: 40000 / MERITOR

Posted in: Heavy Duty Trucks
Type: Conventional - Sleeper Cab
Make: Freightliner
Mileage: 439553
Model year: 2014
Location: Conley, GA
Posted: 4 / 4 / 18
Views: 4

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