Comes with the famous Volvo XE Package which automaticallyincrease the HP and Torque much higher when needed as when going up a slope with a heavy load! Smooth shifting and strong Volvo I-Shift reduces fatigue and keeps you trucking incomfort! Hood mirrors to reduce blind spots, dual air rideseats, full privacy curtains, easy clean rubberized floors,power heated mirrors that don't fog up, AUX/USB port for phone connectivity, diff locks and Traction Control to get outof mud and snow, suspension dump valve to get under a lowtrailer without having to wind-up the landing gear, king pinrelease in cab, aux. heater to keep you cozy at night withthe main engine turned off to save fuel and avoid idling theengine: come on in for a test drive today!
Engine make: VOLVO
Engine model: VED13/425
Transmission type: ATO2612D
Transmission speeds: 12
Transmission make: VOLVO
Stock#: 224926
Rear axle: 40000 / MERITOR
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