Super fuel efficient and powerful Volvo VED13 engine thatautomatically increases HP when needed as when pulling aheavy load up a steep slope - DUAL TORQUE ENGINE - to saveyou money by giving you much better fuel mileage most of thetime and switching automatically to higer power as needed!Fully loaded truck with hood mirrors to reduce blind spots,deck plate with steps and load bar rack, climacab APU whichmeans engine was not idled night after night so extending engine life, power heated mirrors, power windows, blue tooth control on steering wheel for hands free phone usage, easy clean full rubberized floors, side/rear privacy curtains, AUX/USB port, diff locks and traction control to get out of snow& mud, suspension drop, TV Mount, come on in, it has it all!
Engine make: VOLVO
Engine model: VED13/405
Transmission type: FRO16210B
Transmission speeds: 10
Transmission make: FULLER
Stock#: 224485
Rear axle: 40000 / MERITOR
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