2013 Kenworth T660
Thats right, new alcoa aluminum wheels, and 8 new AmericanlMade Gerneral Virgin Drives just installed! Great miles,good gauges, this truck is a value!90 day/25,000 mile comprehensive warranty included in the rprice, eligible for extended warranty that includes theAftertreatment system!Detailed, PM serviced, and a third party DOT inspectioncomes standard with all our retail trucks, and exclusive forour Arrow customer, roadside assistance for just over $1.00a day.Call today, this Won't last long!
Engine make: PACCAR
Engine model: MX/455
Transmission type: FRO16210C
Transmission speeds: 10
Transmission make: FULLER
Stock#: 223634
Rear axle: 40000 / EATON
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