Great miles on this mid-roof freightliner. DD15, 455 HP,fuller 10 speed manual, everything that spells success!90 day/25,000 mile comprehensive warranty comes standardwith this truck, at no charge! For just a little bit, thistruck is eliglble for a extneded warranty that comvers theturbo, injectors, rear end, and that transmission! Hurrybefore 12/31, and this truck is also eligible for aaftertreatment warranty that includes even the EGR! And withroadside assistance for just over a buck a day, you can't gowrong buying from Arrow!
Engine make: DET
Engine model: DD15/455
Transmission type: FRM15210B
Transmission speeds: 10
Transmission make: FULLER
Stock#: 222009
Rear axle: 40000 / MERITOR
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