Only $799 for the 1st 3 months! 45 days before 1st payment!Thats right, when approved with Transport Funding!Beautiful (twin chimney), Peterbilt 386 is LOADED!ISX Power, 10 speed manual, immaculate truck in & out!DOT ready, PM serviced & professionally detailed!Be proud of your truck & all this style & comfort!Easy IN-HOUSE financing. We have credit for EVERYONE!ARROW TRUCK SALES CHICAGO IS THE #1 PRE-OWNED DEALER.Great customer service, selection, caring sales reps,& more. We have everything you need to start out right!90 DAY WARRANTY & 1 YR 24/7 ROAD-SIDE ASSISTANCE IS FREE!pLEASE CALL FOR ALL THE INFO ON THIS BEAUTIFUL PETERBILT!
Engine make: CUMM
Engine model: ISX/450
Transmission type: FRO16210C
Transmission speeds: 10
Transmission make: FULLER
Stock#: 219749
Rear axle: 40000 / DANA
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