
2013 Mack CXU613



What a sharp truck! This single bunk , raised roofsleeper features a chrome visor, chrome mirrors and a deepred exterior complimented by aluminum wheels , poppingtanks and good rubber all the way around. Powered by Mackand shifted by the ever popular M drive transmission. Lotsof room, lots of quality and ready to hit the road.

Engine make: MACK

Engine model: MP7/395

Transmission type: TMD12AO

Transmission speeds: 12

Transmission make: MACK

Stock#: 219408

Rear axle: 40000 / MERITOR

Posted in: Heavy Duty Trucks
Type: Conventional - Sleeper Cab
Make: Mack
Mileage: 477381
Model year: 2013
Location: Troy, IL
Posted: 4 / 19 / 17
Views: 39

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