This truck has all the essentials for long distance haulingin comfort: Refrigerator, work station with seating for four, big cabinets for storage, aux. cab heater for a cozy nights sleep with the main engine turned off (less wear and tearon the engine and fuel savings!) power windows, locks, heated power mirrors to adjust even the passenger side without having to move or roll down the window in winter, diff lock, traction control, ABS, trailer brake all for difficult terrain/road conditions driving, blue tooth connectivity with controls on steering wheel, CB radio, hood mirrors, multi position air ride seats, all alum wheels, load bar rack, front rubberized floor for ease of cleaning, full privacy curtains,come on in for a test drive today!!!
Engine make: CUMM
Engine model: ISX/450
Transmission type: RTLO16913A
Transmission speeds: 13
Transmission make: FULLER
Stock#: 219241
Rear axle: 40000 / MERITOR
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