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2008 Kenworth W900L


just came in, full fibergalss fender, DOT inspected, VIT interior, fully serviced, DOT inspected, full gauge pkg, custom bumper, drop visor, HEAVY AXLES, smooth s/s steps, fill deck plates, 2 LINE WET Kit, CB, ready to work..

Stock#: 10379

VIN: 8J206537

Engine make: Caterpillar

HP: 550

Suspension: Air Ride

Ration: 3.73

Tire size: 24.5

Wheels: Polished Aluminum

Wheel base: 250

Axle: Tandem

Front axle lbs: 13200

Rear axle lbs: 46000

Posted in: Heavy Duty Trucks
Type: Conventional - Day Cab
Make: Kenworth
Mileage: 457000
Model year: 2008
Location: Rochester, NY
Posted: 6 / 30 / 14
Views: 527

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