
2009 Peterbilt 386



If you are a long haul flatbed driver, this midroofPeterbilt is perfect for you! Truck comes with aluminumheadache rack for chains and binders and bonus storagecompartments in the passenger side fairings and another onthe driver's side directly in front of the drive tiresmeasuring a whopping 2' by 4'! This Pete has 13 speed EatonFuller trans, Alum rims, A powerful Cummins ISX packing450 HP and twin 100 gallon tanks, perfect for long rangehauling. Truck comes with dual spot mirrors for maximumvisibility and safety as well as air ride seats for drivercomfort. On the passenger side there is plenty of room toadd an APU in the future! Extra features include: Interiorcabinets with wardrobe storage and refrigerator ready outlet, Chrome Visor, Suspension drop, Air slide 5th wheel,Differential lock and much more. Talk to a salesman today.

Engine make: CUMM

Engine model: ISX/500

Transmission type: RTLO16913A

Transmission speeds: 13

Transmission make: FULLER

Stock#: 201133

Rear axle: 40000 /

Posted in: Heavy Duty Trucks
Make: Peterbilt
Mileage: 591214
Model year: 2009
Location: Elizabeth, NJ
Posted: 5 / 28 / 14
Views: 95

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