This legendary Kenworth T800 known for its rugged and hardybuild to take on the most ardous tasks in stride comeswith great options: full 360 degree view all around from thedriver's seat, power mirrors, windows and door locks, difflock and air suspension drop, air slide fifth wheel, enginebrake and cruise control, traction control switch for slippery roads, guages for oil,trans, differential and fuel filter, hood mirrors, all alum wheels, new drive brakes and drums,fresh PM service and federal DOT inspection, Arrow's freelimited warranty for 90 days/25,000 miles good at any shopof your choice, come and test drive this truck today!Low mileage truck!
Engine make: CUMM
Engine model: ISX/450
Transmission type: FRO15210C
Transmission speeds: 10
Transmission make: FULLER
Stock#: 216941
Rear axle: 36000 /
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