
2012 Mack CXU613


185" WB / MID 4'S ON MILES

This Mack day cab is super clean and mechanically right!Mack powered, auto transmission and 185" wheelbase. Hereis the best part. mid 4's on miles and priced a touch over30k! Here is the part that is better than best. Thistruck comes with our 90 day / 25k warranty included in theprice. Only 2 left! Call us.

Engine make: MACK

Engine model: MP7/365

Transmission type: RTO14710CAS2

Transmission speeds: 10

Transmission make: FULLER

Stock#: 216792

Rear axle: 38000 / MERITOR

Posted in: Heavy Duty Trucks
Type: Conventional - Sleeper Cab
Make: Mack
Mileage: 443395
Model year: 2012
Location: Troy, IL
Posted: 11 / 30 / 16
Views: 9

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