
2013 Volvo VNL670


$4000 CDP GIFT + YOUR $6000 =10,000 CDP!

Beautiful 2013 Volvo VNL 670 with fantastic curb appeal!Cummins ISX power and Fuller 13 speed manual!Very clean fleet maintained truck that's nicely equipped.D.O.T ready, PM serviced and Professionally detailed.$4,000 down payment assitance when $6,000 cdp on TF deals.90 Day confidence+ power-train warranty included.Great miles, great price, great truck & $4,000 help w/cdp!This offer with $4,000 down payment assitance wont last!And either will these great trucks - act quicky!

Engine make: CUMM

Engine model: ISX/400

Transmission type: FRO16210C

Transmission speeds: 10

Transmission make: FULLER

Stock#: 216351

Rear axle: 38000 / MERITOR

Posted in: Heavy Duty Trucks
Type: Conventional - Sleeper Cab
Make: Volvo
Mileage: 376996
Model year: 2013
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Posted: 11 / 2 / 16
Views: 16

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