This 77 inch sleeper is fully loaded to the gills! Workstation that folds to a bed. Ladder to get to upper bunk. Refrigerator freezer combo, 1800w invertor with power outlets! 8.1surround with subwoofer and usb and aux inputs to stream your iphone and android devices. Floor to ceiling storage withtv and micro cabinets as well. Dual power windows and mirrors as well as Uber comfortable air ride seats with Backcycleroption that helps to reduce fatigue and back pain!! Webastoheater to keep you warm this winter as well! See I told youit was loaded!
Engine make: VOLVO
Engine model: VED13/425
Transmission type: RTLOC-16913A
Transmission speeds: 13
Transmission make: FULLER
Stock#: 216241
Rear axle: 40000 /
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