
2012 International 4300



What a perfect setup! 26' box with e track , aluminumroof and hard wood flooring. This specific truck isequipped with a tuck under lift gate as well. Interioris in excellect condition and easy to drive with a smoothshifting automatic transmission. Air brakes, under cdl,low miles, 90 day warranty, fresh dot , just serviced anddetailed inside and out. Give us a call with any otherquestions.

Engine make: INTL

Engine model: DT466/215

Transmission type: 2100

Transmission speeds: 5

Transmission make: ALLISON

Stock#: 214194

Rear axle: 17500 /

Posted in: Medium Duty Trucks
Type: Conventional - Sleeper Cab
Make: International
Mileage: 165542
Model year: 2012
Location: Kansas City, MO
Posted: 6 / 29 / 16
Views: 21

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