
2012 Freightliner CORONADO



This beautiful Freightliner Coronado Day cab comes equippedWith New 11R 24.5 Virgin tires, power windows, power locks,power mirrors, heated mirrors, suspension air dump,interlocking differentials, new mattress, fire extinguisher,triangles, 24/7 Roadside assistance and a 90 Day limitedpowertrain warranty. Extended drivetrain warranties are alsoavailable. Please call us today and schedule a test drive.

Engine make: DET

Engine model: DD15/505

Transmission type: FRO16210C

Transmission speeds: 10

Transmission make: FULLER

Stock#: 213745

Rear axle: 40000 / MERITOR

Posted in: Heavy Duty Trucks
Type: Conventional - Sleeper Cab
Make: Freightliner
Mileage: 286235
Model year: 2012
Location: Troy, IL
Posted: 6 / 1 / 16
Views: 50

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