
2010 Peterbilt 387



Very clean well maintained Peterbuilt 387! Dual beds with lots of storage in sleeper. 8 way dual air ride seats. Concert class speaker system. Very clean inside and out. Strong cummins power with Eaton Fuller 10 speed auto will keep you onthe road with minimal effort. Also light weight with curb wtof only 17,380#

Engine make: CUMM

Engine model: ISX/450

Transmission type: RTO16910BDM3

Transmission speeds: 10

Transmission make: EATONFULL

Stock#: 213093

Rear axle: 40000 /

Posted in: Heavy Duty Trucks
Type: Conventional - Sleeper Cab
Make: Peterbilt
Mileage: 581827
Model year: 2010
Location: Tampa, FL
Posted: 4 / 22 / 16
Views: 39

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