Heavy Spec Beauty w/ Cummins ISX 550HP
JUST LIKE BRAND NEW TRUCK, Cummins ISX 550 HP 13 speed, jakebrake, dual power mirror, dual heated mirror, dual power windows and door locks, driver and passanger air ride seat, A/C, Curise, air slide 5th wheel, air ride suspension, aluminumwheels, BRAND NEW 10 Tires, Chrome bumper, Chrome sun visor,diff. lock, head rack and more...please call for details,also ask about our extened warranty and our new 24/7 road sideassistance program.
Engine make: CUMM
Engine model: ISX/550
Transmission type: RTLO20918B
Transmission speeds: 18
Transmission make: FULLER
Stock#: 213082
Rear axle: 46000 /
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