This spacious midroof features great miles and was builtwith your pocket in mind. Fuel saving tires, aluminumwheels, upgraded interior and cabinets, dual air ride seatsand much more. Powered by Detroit and miles in the low 4s.We have serviced, inspected and detailed your truck andare standing behind it with a free 90 day / 25k warranty.On top of that there is a warranty from Detroit effectivetill November.<a href="https://youtu.be/ZNcBWy4Qpkg">Walk-around video onYouTube</a>
Engine make: DET
Engine model: DD15/455
Transmission type: RTO16910BDM3
Transmission speeds: 10
Transmission make: FULLER
Stock#: 213050
Rear axle: 40000 / EATON
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