780 13 SPD!!
Affordable massive sleeper! Living room on wheels here witha diner style work station on bottom that turns in to a42" wide bunk with a real ladder to head up to your loft( which, by the way offers another 40" wide bunk. ( oh no,not a parentheses inside a parentheses! yup, its widerthan most bottom sleepers... thats comfort) anyways, itshuge) So turn around from your personal waffle house tableand stare at your 2 levels of storage up top. As youreyes drop you pass one of the safest visable windshields toyour 13spd shift. Of course, your dual air ride seats,power heated mirrors and just about any control you needis within arms reach as you hit the captains seat. Youturn the key and almost don't hear a thing with doubleinsulation on the floors, double seals on the doors and anoverall quiet ride. Full skirts putting money in yourpocket, aluminum wheels to save weight and look greatputting money in your pocket. Our affordable price, easyfinancing and a warranty keeping money in your pocket. Itsgetting heavy! Keep it that way and call us today.
Engine make: VOLVO
Engine model: VED13/425
Transmission type: RTOC16913A
Transmission speeds: 13
Transmission make: FULLER
Stock#: 212039
Rear axle: 40000 / MERITOR
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