Don't let this one pass you on the road
The truckers truck is none other than the 2011 KW T660! It'spacked with C13 Cat power with a 10 sp fuller trans. Cat isknown for POWER and dependability. To add, by this KW T660having a C13 under the hood, you also have fuel efficiency! With a driver friendly dash and cab every function is at arm's reach. Equipped wit air ride seats, huge sleeper with plenty of storage space, APU, Jakes, air slide 5th , radio/cdplayer, fresh pm/service , DOT and ready for the road! Comedown and drive out in your dream truck and don't forget toask about our easy finance options!
Engine make: CAT
Engine model: C13/430
Transmission type: FRO16210C
Transmission speeds: 10
Transmission make: EATONFULL
Stock#: 209377
Rear axle: 40000 /
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