WALK AROUND VIDEO ON YOUTUBEThis double bunk, raised roof condo is powered by Cumminspushing 450hp. This truck is set up for weight savings andfuel efficiency. It is a 6x2 configuration and has a 21kdrive axle and a tag on the rear rear. Talking with OEM's,this is gaining popularity every day. 500lbs lighter andlifetime showing 7.7 mpg. Thats money in your pocket! Theinterior features VIT button tuck, power windows and locks.CD , 11 gauges, and plenty of windows in the sleeper whichoffers 180 degree view with two side windows. Also has asecurity brake release option as well.
Engine make: CUMM
Engine model: ISX/450
Transmission type: FRM15210B
Transmission speeds: 10
Transmission make: EATONFULL
Stock#: 209362
Rear axle: 40000 /
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