
2016 Peterbilt 389 4 Axle Heavy Haul 550 ISX Cummins 18 Speed 20/23/46 Axles


4-axle day cab work horse! Dual locking differentials, 265" wheelbase, 550hp Cummins ISX, 18 speed Eaton-Fuller transmission, 3.91 rear ratios, Air Trac suspension, 20k front axle, 23k lift axle, 46k rear axles, polished aluminum 24.5 wheels, rubber floor mats, dual high back air ride seats with arm rests, blue tooth phone, 21 gauges, frame mounted front tow eye, deck plate access package, polished 15" air cleaners, front air disc brakes, 7" exhaust, stainless sun visor, wired for air cleaner and fog lights, extra polish all over, entry step access lights, long air slide with Holland 5th wheel, heated fuel filter, arctic wrapped fuel lines, 4 batteries, dump valve, remote lube, tilt/telescope, drivers side spot light. This truck is on the ground and ready to deliver. We have 4 matched units and would love to make a deal on 1 or all! Great finacncing options

Posted in: Heavy Duty Trucks
Type: Conventional - Day Cab
Make: Peterbilt
Mileage: 121
Model year: 2016
Location: TULSA, Ok
Posted: 8 / 5 / 15
Views: 8679

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